Training Tips For Beginners – Tip #2

So you are probably thinking, “Okay, I know how to run now.  How do I take it to the next level?”

Once you feel comfortable in your running shoes and you feel confident in your running skills, it’s time to bump it to the next level.  Whether you’ve been a stroller strider, treadmill champ or sidewalk soldier, take to the dirt!

Your journey begins just off the paved road.

If you are training for a obstacle race or mud run, guess what?  Your event will be in the dirt!  I’m sorry if I scared you.  It’s not so bad.  I think you will actually enjoy it once you get out there and get a little dirty. [Read more…]

Training Tips For Beginners – Tip #1

We will be doing a series for beginners that should help you start a training routine to get you ready for your first race.  If you are a seasoned mud running obstacle racer, maybe you can add a comment that could offer some more tips to other readers.  Either way, we hope you enjoy this series and find it useful.

Quick Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with any exercise, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

Any time you start something new it’s easy to want to jump in and give it your all.  That may not be the best idea if you are just starting to exercise or beginning to run for the first time.  If you start off too fast your body may rebel, and leave you a sore stiff mess.  It may just turn you off from exercising ever again.  Okay, maybe not forever.  But there are some things we can suggest that can help you ease into a routine that will be enjoyable and great for you at the same time.



You should make your way slowly into a running routine.  Going slow and steady will get you to running three miles (or 5K) on a regular basis in just two-three months.  Beginners should start with combining walking and running. Begin by alternating four minutes of waking with two minutes of running for a total of 20-30 minutes. [Read more…]

Excuse Me, I Burpee’d

30 burpees for every obstacle I can’t finish?  Yikes!  I get winded after about 10!  I suppose I better bump up my training and add in some burpees!  The Spartan Sprint is just two months away, and they require you to do 30 burpees as a penalty for every obstacle you cannot complete.

Most people would probably ask, “What the heck is a burpee”?  If you are asking that question, you probably last thought about them in middle school gym class just before blocking them out of your memory until now.

This is how Wikipedia defines a burpee:

  1. Begin in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
  3. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position.
  4. Return to the squat position in one quick motion.
  5. Jump straight into the air as high as possible.


4 Steps to a successful burpee

I really like the idea of gradually building my burpee endurance, so I’ve decided to create my own burpee challenge. Each day I hope to add at least one additional burpee.  I will check in to keep me accountable.  I definitely don’t want to not be able to get my 30 burpees in if I can’t stick that spear at the Spartan Sprint! [Read more…]

Episode 4 – Monster Mash!

This episode we interviewed GiGi Muth from the Monster Mash Obstacle Run and we talked about their upcoming event. We’ll also catch up with our training progress and update you on some of the latest events. Thanks for listening and now it’s time to get dirty. [Read more…]

Episode 3 – We’re Bringing Sexy Back

Daniel and Laurie start a series of training tips to help prepare you for your next race.  We also talk about a little snafoo that happened at Tough Mudder Mid-Atlantic, and we bring you up to speed with our own training progress.

[Read more…]

Episode 2 – Rockin’ the Desert

Daniel and Laurie talk about the Rockin the Desert Mud Run held in Apple Valley, California on Aug 25th 2012.

Work out Update 

Daniel – He had so much going on he forgot to exercise.

Laurie – Kept her same routine in preparation for the race.  She added extra distance to her run and increase her weights.

[Read more…]

Episode 1 – Let’s Get Dirty!

In this first ever episode of getting dirty we will introduce ourselves and let you know who we are and why we are passionate about obstacle races. So what are obstacle races? You may already know but just in case, we will explain what they are and why thousands of people show up at these events. After we explain, you will soon realize that YOU can do these. No matter how intimidating they may appear to be. [Read more…]