OCR Turf Wars


Is there such a thing as an OCR turf war brewing?

Remember back in the good old days when obstacle racing first started gaining popularity?  Like-minded adrenaline junkies started forming groups so they could train together and conquer obstacle races together.  Those were simpler times. [Read more…]

Corn Fed Crucible Race Giveaway

Our Corn Fed Spartan friends have been working hard bringing fun and adventure to the midwest.  They have dominated courses at local obstacle races, and have grown their members by leaps and bounds. [Read more…]

Episode 28 – Spartans and Hunters

In this episode we talk about the Spartan World Championship program on NBC. We also have interviews with Jonathan Nolan from the Corn Fed Spartans and the folks from The Hunger Runs! [Read more…]

Episode 17 – Spring Races & Corn Fed Spartans

In this episode we recap LoziLu, Hollywood Half Marathon, and Spring Break at the Lake. We also talk to Jonathan Nolan from the Corn Fed Spartans. [Read more…]